“Rebels Of Reality” and Other Newly Printed Books…

zonkogarygrubbies3-24_0001Just got back from a whirlwind tour of Richmond Virginia to attend the marvelous “Galaxy Con” comic book convention. I was in attendance with my older brother Jack Wenberg, who is co-author with me on a new kid’s book.

What’s the title you ask? It’s….

“Timothy Crumb’s Magical Drum.”

A magical Psychedelic tour of imaginary worlds in the not so imaginary scenery of a daily visited coffee shop. Here we find a down on his luck author who has lost inspiration and is falling asleep at the wheel. Soon, along comes young Timothy Crumb banging on his “Drum” (which in actuality, is a coffee can). Something about Timothy’s rapping on the cans sure opens up a gateway into a whole new imaginary world of fresh ideas.

Be sure to check this one out. Out now in full color for $25.00.

Also in the self publishing realm a new comic book has been manifested. Lo! It’s name is to be known as….


An anthology collection of four underground comic short stories.  All weird and uniquely drawn in  their own way. Here you will find such oddball characters as “Mr.Flingpoo” or maybe “Timothy the Tortured One” if you like.

On sale now! ZONK! ISSUE ONE! Printed in Black and White with 44 slime oozing, eye popping pages! All drawn by yours truly Ethan Wenberg. Only $5.99 for hours and hours of whack-a-doo, go-ape, slap-happy hyper reading type fun!

Rated PG-13

Oh! and what else is on the horizon in the realm of self created stories you ask. Well, not saying much, but here is a sample down below. It’s called “Rebels of Reality” and this here is the first page. Enjoy!

